當地時間周三,超威半導體公司(AMD)舉行“Advancing AI”發布會,發布了備受期待的MI300系列芯片產品,包括Instinct MI300X加速器和Instinct MI300A加速處理單元,兩款新產品可用于訓練和運行大型語言模型,比前代產品擁有更好的內存容量和更高的能效。
MI300X擁有超過1500億個晶體管,內存是英偉達H100芯片的2.4倍,據稱在訓練大型語言模型方面與H100芯片相當,但在推理方面表現更好。MI300A則能提供更高性能的計算、更快的模型訓練以及30倍的能效提升,其內存容量是H100芯片的1.6倍。Instinct MI300X加速器從發布會之日起開始發貨,Instinct MI300A加速器也已經進入量產階段。
目前,多家企業宣布將采用AMD的新型人工智能芯片。微軟宣布將MI300X放入其Azure虛擬機中;META宣布將在其數據中心部署MI300處理器;甲骨文也稱將在云服務中使用AMD的新款芯片。AMD首席執行官蘇姿豐(Lisa Su)表示,預計新產品將使其潛在市場總額增長至450億美元。
AMD 推出新型人工智能芯片
AMD Launches New AI Chip
According to foreign media reports, on December 6, AMD shares rose 9.9% to close at $128.37, with a market value of $207.3 billion.
It was the stock’s best day since May and the highest close since June.
在當天舉行的“Advancing AI”發布會上,AMD表示,其新型高端芯片將于明年開始大量出貨。
At the "Advancing AI" launch event, AMD said it’s new high-end chip starts shipping in significant quantities next year.
The company also said that the company believes the total market for AI chips could climb to $400 billion over the next four years, twice as high as the company previously believed.
Some analysis points out that AMD’s event highlighted how AMD remains extremely well positioned to take advantage of the rapidly expanding AI TAM, and AMD could end up with about 10% of the total AI chip market.
Google announces Gemini AI mode
On December 6, Google announced the launch of Gemini, the company's "largest and most powerful" artificial intelligence model.
Analysts at Bank of America said that Alphabet, parent company of Google has been under pressure from concerns over Google’s AI capabilities this year, so a “well-branded,” competitive model could have upsides for its consumer search activity and Cloud enterprise sales.
“While it remains early, the Gemini launch represents significant innovation for Google as we enter year 2 of commercialized and widely distributed availability of Generative AI,” another analyst noted.
谷歌高管表示,Gemini的性能優于OpenAI的GPT-3.5聊天機器人,但該公司沒有透露它與OpenAI的最新型號GPT-4 Turbo的比較。盡管如此,Gemini仍表明人工智能有進一步變現的機會。
Google executives said Gemini outperforms OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 chatbot, but the company didn’t share how it compares with OpenAI’s latest model GPT-4 Turbo. Still, Gemini shows there’s an opportunity to further monetize AI.